
Business Builder Consulting

Utilizes up to all 5 core strategies for fast business growth. This program is for cash flowing businesses (positive or negative) that need rapid business growth to increase revenues and financing opportunities.

Program features:

Request an online presentation showing the full benefits of this program. 
Qualifications are: 2 years or more in business, revenues of at least $250,000 a year and must be located in the U.S. or Canada

S.U.B.S (StartUp Business Solutions) Consulting

Starting a new business can be  avery long and hard road to travel down without the proper resources, financing, guidance and focus. We offer a pacakged solution at a very affordable rate to help you in all areas of your startup journey including fast tracking the process by helping you ACQUIRE CASH FLOWING BUSINESSES that you can use to supplement your primary business goals

We provide:

The Sales Manager Program

For a fraction of the cost of a full time sales manager (which can range from $50K to 75K plus team override commissions and bonuses) let us provide you with a convenient and affordable sales management solution. For the low cost of only $2,000 a month plus an override team production commission of 5% to 10% you can receive all of the following:

The Family Plan - Financial ,Credit and Business Strategy Session for Families

What’s covered:


To provide a workable plan that each family can execute to help the individual members and the family as a whole through the application of cooperative economics to ensure generational wealth


Enrollment via the intake form, execution of a services agreement, payment and scheduling of the session which can be done in person at a family location depending on size or via Google Meet. Scheduling is done 3 weeks out from executing of agreement to give people enough time to gather all of the required documents which must be submitted no later the 1 week before the meeting. Documents must be redacted of any personal data such as social security numbers, card numbers or account numbers.

The provided information will be for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or legal advise. Please consult licensed financial and legal professionals regarding the best application of the provided education.

The Session - Consulting On An As Needed Basis for any Problem, Task or Goal

Startup or small business wanting to control cost but really need professional help? Larger business that just needs one specific problem resolved but don’t need the commitment of a regular consulting/coaching service?

Our Single Session Service May Be the Answer

As consultants, we help businesses solve problems or reach goals, so no business-related topic is off the table for us to help you with a plan and the resources to carry it out. We can assist with areas such as business development, HR, planning, operations, financing, credit, cost reduction, growth and expansion, acquisition research, recruiting, etc.

Service Details

The session consists of 3 service hours, which can be allocated as:

You’ll also receive a detailed strategy outline and resources in writing to go with the live session.

Cost and flexibility

Pricing Plans

Silver Program



Gold Program



Platinum Program



Request our Ala Carte Electronic Brochure for customized offerings not listed. Also, we no longer handle purely financing request/ projects without completion of a business evaluation ($1,250)  If you are enrolled in a coaching or consulting program listed above, financing sourcing is included.

Alternative Business Consulting Solutions

The clear alternative for business development , business coaching and financing consultation